Computer Typesetting in the UK - A Review
24-page Report No. 1 on DPC Information Display Project from the Office for Scientific and Technical Information, Documentation Processing Centre, Manchester. This paper provides a review of computer typesetting in the U.K. with an emphasis on the use of data originating from a computer rather than from a printing environment. It explains the need for an alternative to the computer line-printer when large amounts of data are being processed, and the effect of new techniques on the printing industry. A selection of current and potential applications is reported under sectional headings to illustrate the range and volume of possible development. The use of data banks to provide a source of copy for the production of varied publications is dealt with, and an estimate of future trends is offered. Date : November 1969This exhibit has a reference ID of CH17194. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History. |
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